National Western Stock Show LED Lighting and Controls Upgrade
Removed & replaced existing lighting with new SportsBeams Full color spectrum LED lighting and installed a new lighting controls system.
Lighting Upgrades
We have worked on various projects upgrading lighting to save energy and assist with energy rebate programs.
Clear Creek County Water Treatment Plant
General Contractor: Hydro Construction
Engineer: Rothberg, Tamburini & Winsor
Contract Value: $113,656
Milliken Well Water Treatment
Location: Milliken, CO
General Contractor: Hall Irwin
Contract Value: $83,002
Milliken Public Works
Location: Milliken, CO
General Contractor: Hall Irwin
Architect: Thorp & Associates
Engineer: Merit Electric
Contract Value: $48,835
Mulberry Water Treatment
General Contractor: Hydro Construction
Contract Value: $79,985
NBB Water Treatment Plant
Purpose of this operation is the optimization of the existing water treatment plant through the construction of a new anaerobic reactor (UASB). The purified water will be further treated by micro filtration and reverse osmosis as it has to be reused. Furthermore, the biogas produced by the installation will be used for the production of electricity. In phase 1 the installation will have a capacity of 550 m3 waste water per day, in phase 2 the capacity may be increased to 1100 m3 per day.
General Contractor: Sanotec
Architect: Sanotec
Engineer: Merit Electric
Contract Value: $254,985